Unsere Website ist plattformunabhängig. Es funktioniert sowohl auf Windows- als auch auf iOS-Betriebssystemen und kann ohne erforderliche Downloads verwendet werden.
Der Vorgang ist absolut kostenlos, sodass Sie so viele PDF-Dateien aufteilen können, wie Sie möchten.
Unsere Website legt großen Wert auf die Privatsphäre ihrer Kunden. Da wir mit Cloud-Speicher arbeiten, werden Ihre Dateien nicht hochgeladen und es besteht keine Möglichkeit einer Datenverletzung. Ihre Daten sind bei uns sicher!
Der Konvertierungsprozess dauert je nach Dateigröße kaum ein paar Sekunden, und Sie können schnell Ergebnisse erzielen.
Unsere Website ist plattformunabhängig, kann auf Laptops, Tabs und Telefonen arbeiten und der Vorgang ist schnell und spart Zeit.
Es ist keine Anmeldung erforderlich und Sie können die Arbeit in kürzester Zeit erledigen. Die Website ist schnell und effizient und liefert die gewünschten Ergebnisse.
You can use select range option by entering in the range of pages or individal pages that you want to extract as PDFs. For example, suppose there are 20 pages in your PDF and you want to extact pages from 5-11 and pages 16 and 18. Instead of manually selecting the said pages, you can use Select range option and enter 5-11,16,18 and click on OK. Your chosen files will be selected and ready to be converted into PDFs.
You can select the extract option to extract few pages from the PDF. You can click on the pages which you want to extract or click on the select all option if you every page as a PDF file. We also have an option called select range, that makes your job easier by letting you choose a range of pages, separated by commas.
In order to split your PDF, first select the split option. You will see a scissors icon after every page. You can select the scissor icon where you want to make a split in your PDF. You can make multiple splits by clicking multiple scissors icons at a time. Each split will be downloaded as a separate PDF file in a ZIP file.
You can extract every page of the PDF as a separate PDF file by choosing the extract option. You can also make multiple splits in the PDF and download individual split files.
All processing is done on your browser, and no files are transferred to the server. Hence your files are 100% safe.
Since our website does not use any servers, and does not store your data, the file that you have uploaded, will not be saved. You need to reupload the file to split it.
"The time taken to upload your file depends on the size of your file. Larger files will take more time to upload as compared to smaller files. No matter what the file size is, it will not take more than a few seconds to upload your file. "
Our website is completely web-based and therefore provides cross-platform support. This means that our tool supports all versions of Windows. It not only works on Windows operating system, but can work on any other operating system, that supports a browser.
Yes, our website works on browser, and therefore supports both iOS and Android platforms
Our website does not require you to sign up or create an account. The platform is absolutely free and you can split as many PDFs as you want.
Our website is absolutely free and you can use it as many times as you want. There are no free trial uses, after which you will have to pay for using our services. We won't charge you anything.
Split PDF is 100% safe to use and does not save your files. No data is uploaded and hence all your files are safe with you. In case you refresh the browser, you will have to reupload the folders, for the process to take place since, files are not saved on our website.